All About Hajj (1440/2019)

All About Hajj (1440/2019)

By Editorial Staff Islam organizes the spiritual and moral life of man as well as the practical in order to live a normal balanced life. Every act of worship in Islam has a meaning, a purpose and a significance, and of great spiritual, moral, and physical benefits....
All about the First Ten Days of Dhul-Hijjah

All about the First Ten Days of Dhul-Hijjah

By Editorial Staff After a few days, Muslims all over the world will be witnessing the best days a year. Out of Allah’s wisdom, He favors some of His creatures over others. Allah creates and chooses whatever He wills and does whatever He intends. A certain creature...
How to Observe Ihram, the First Rite of Hajj?

How to Observe Ihram, the First Rite of Hajj?

By Dr. Salih Al-Fawzan Definition of Ihram Ihram (a state of ritual consecration during Hajj or ‘Umrah) is the first of the rites of Hajj, and it means the intention to start the rites. It is called ihram (which is derived from the Arabic word “haram“,...
The Fiqh of Udhiyah (The Sacrificial Animal)

The Fiqh of Udhiyah (The Sacrificial Animal)

By Editorial Staff Definition The Udhiyah (the sacrificial animal) is a grazing animal from among camels, cows, buffaloes, sheep and goats that is sacrificed on Eid al-Ad-ha (festival of sacrifice) and the following three days (the days of Tashriq) for the sake of...