Rights of the Muslim Woman: The Daughter and the Wife

Rights of the Muslim Woman: The Daughter and the Wife

By Dr. Jamal Badawi Woman as a Daughter 1- The Qur’an ended the cruel pre-Islamic practice of female infanticide(wa’d): Parents are duty-bound to support and show kindness and justice to their daughters. When the female (infant) buried alive is questioned for what...

Merits of the Prophet’s Wife, Lady Khadijah

Translated from an article by ‘Abdullah ibn ‘Abduh Nu’man Al-‘Awaadi Spouses are partners in life. In life’s different conditions, they are friends for better or worse, in prosperity and adversity, in poverty and richness, and in hopes and...
Prophet Muhammad: The Perfect Family Man

Prophet Muhammad: The Perfect Family Man

By Maria Zain Prophet’s Family Life: It’s Peace and Harmony While the Prophet carried out his mission of Islam, he never shirked his duties as a household member. The Qur’an is full of wonderful stories that revolve around fatherhood. It is probably one of...
Legal Rulings Concerning Menstruation

Legal Rulings Concerning Menstruation

By Dr. Salih Al-Fawzan Menstruation is the flow of a type of natural blood from the womb at specific times. This flow of blood occurs every month for six or seven days, and the period may last for more or less than that. In other words, a woman’s menstrual...
The Distorted Image of Muslim Women

The Distorted Image of Muslim Women

By Sister Naasira bint Ellison Since the height of the feminist movement in the late 70`s there has been a magnifying glass placed over the status of Muslim women. Unfortunately, the magnifying glass that has been used is an unusual one. Unusual in the sense that it...