by | Aug 10, 2009 | Fiqh
“Fulan has a shaykh in tasawuf whom he greatly loves and respects (he has already taken baya` with him). this 15th of sha’aban, the teacher has told fulan that he should try to perform salatul-khayr (100 rakats with 10 ikhlas in each rakat). however, fulan knows... by | Jul 21, 2009 | Fiqh
Bismillah al-Rahman al-Rahim, al-hamdulillah wa-l-salat wa-l-salam ‘ala Rasulillah, wa-ba’d. In reply to the following Mu’amala questions, the following is my answer: “This is the essence of the issue: Can a debt (mature or future) be sold. If so can... by | Jul 13, 2009 | Fiqh
My question is regrading the 9 books that are usually added to al-Umm. Are they considered to be of the Imam’s new school or old school. Also, what effect did they have in the scholarly circles? And lastly, who exactly were the arguments in al-Risala directed... by | Jul 12, 2009 | Fiqh
“Dear Ustad, please help us clarify this confidential problem. I was fasting and I passed through a restaurant and as a result of looking at the succulent and luscious (yum-yum) food on offer, it resulted in me having an unstoppable craving for the food itself and I... by | Jun 26, 2009 | Fiqh
Al-Hamdulillah, wa-Salat wa-Salam ‘ala Rasulillah. Wa Ba’d. Dear [Fulan A], Thank you for your letter. May you and your wife be in fine health and spirit. In answer to your question: “My question is regarding the filth of dog’s saliva in the...