by OneSpiffy Ninjas | Jun 27, 2008 | Biographies
The Biography of "Al-Habib Abu Bakar bin Taha Alsagoff (Singapore)" is available in the following languages, 1. English IN ENGLISH A well-known Islamic educator in Singapore, Al-Habib Abu Bakar bin Taha Alsagoff hailed from... by OneSpiffy Ninjas | Jun 26, 2008 | Audios, Media, Qasaaid (Poems), Qasaaid (Poems)
Qasaaid Title : Ya Rabba Samaa Author : Al-Habib Ali Al-Habsyi Embedded Medium : .PDF (Requires Adobe Reader) Contributed by : M. Alawy Jamalilaily. [scribd id=15914973 key=key-19ctgca6ffhy5gu6r2fb] by OneSpiffy Ninjas | Jun 26, 2008 | Biographies
The Biography of "Habib Noh bin Muhammad Al-Habshee (Singapore)" is available in the following languages, 1. English IN ENGLISH Habib Noh bin Muhammad Al-Habshee came from Kedah, Malaysia. Not much was known about his early life. He... by OneSpiffy Ninjas | Jun 21, 2008 | Biographies
The Biography of "Al-Imam Al-Faqih Al-Muqaddam Muhammad bin Ali" is available in the following languages, English (Abridged) Indonesian / Malay GENEOLOGY (SULSILAH) AL-IMAM AL-FAQIH AL-MUQADDAM MUHAMMAD – ALI – MUHAMMAD SHOHIB... by OneSpiffy Ninjas | Jun 13, 2008 | Biographies
The Biography of "Ustaz Syed Ahmad bin Muhammad Semait (Singapore)" is available in the following languages, 1. English IN ENGLISH Asy-Syarqiyah. During this time, his other brother, Mufti Syed Isa bin Muhammad Semait, was studying in... by OneSpiffy Ninjas | Jun 8, 2008 | Biographies
The Biography of "Ustaz Syed Abdillah bin Ahmad Al-Jufri (Singapore)" is available in the following languages, 1. English IN ENGLISH Well-known and respected Ulama in Singapore, Ustaz Syed Abdillah bin Ahmad Al-Jufri was born on...