by OneSpiffy Ninjas | Apr 6, 2008 | BaAlawi Ancestry
The History of the Family Name “Al-Attas” is available in the following languages, English Indonesian / Malay ANCESTRY ABRIDGED Al Al-Attas Al Asseggaf Al Alawi Ibnul Faqih IN ENGLISH Lineage of al-Habib Umar bin Abdul Rahman al-Attas His name was... by OneSpiffy Ninjas | Mar 23, 2008 | Supplications
SUPPLICATION: Ratib of Al-Qutb Al-Irsyad Al-Imam Abdullah Alhaddad. LANGUAGES : In Arabic with English and Malay Translation and Roman Transliteration. NOTE : We apologize for any errors that might have been made with the texts produced below, if any, and we hope for... by OneSpiffy Ninjas | Mar 18, 2008 | Audios, Media, Supplications
SUPPLICATION: Mawlid Simtud Durar of Al-Imam As-Sayyid Al-Habib Ali bin Muhammad bin Hussein Al-Habsyi LANGUAGES : In Arabic. NOTE : We apologize for any errors that might have been made with the texts produced below, if any, and we hope for your forgiveness. If you... by OneSpiffy Ninjas | Mar 8, 2008 | BaAlawi Ancestry
The History of the Family Name “Al-Segaff (As-Seggaf)” is available in the following languages, English Indonesian / Malay ANCESTRY ABRIDGED Al-Segaff (As-Seggaf) Al Alawi bin Al-Faqih Al-Segaff (As-Seggaf) Al Abu Bakar Assakran Al Alawi bin... by OneSpiffy Ninjas | Mar 8, 2008 | Qasaaid (Poems)
Qasaaid Title : N.A. (Collection of Qasaaids) Author : Al-Imam Al-Qutb Al-Irsyad Al-Habib Abdullah ibn Alawi Alhaddad Embedded Medium : .PDF (Requires Adobe Reader) Credits due to : Sulaiman (who informed us of this wonderful collection) . by OneSpiffy Ninjas | Mar 8, 2008 | Lectures
LECTURE TITLE: The Basmalah Is Part of al-Faatihah LECTURER: Shaykh Nuh Keller LANGUAGES : In English. LECTURE : It may surprise some people to learn that one example often cited in hadith textbooks of such a hidden flaw (‘illa) is from Sahih...