by OneSpiffy Ninjas | May 17, 2008 | Biographies
ARTICLE TITLE: Biography of Ibn Khaldun LANGUAGES : In English. ARTICLE : Ibn Khaldun is universally recognized as the founder and father of Sociology and Sciences of History. He is best known for his famous ‘Muqaddimah,’ (Prolegomena). Abd... by OneSpiffy Ninjas | Apr 30, 2008 | BaAlawi Ancestry
The History of the Family Name “Al-Auhaj” is available in the following languages, English Indonesian / Malay ANCESTRY ABRIDGED Al Auhaj Al Alawi bin Al-Faqih IN ENGLISH The first to be given the title “Al-Auhaj” was Al-Habib... by OneSpiffy Ninjas | Apr 30, 2008 | BaAlawi Ancestry
The History of the Family Name “Al-Ba ‘Agil (Al-Ba-Aqil)” is available in the following languages, English Indonesian / Malay ANCESTRY ABRIDGED Al Ba Aqil Al Asseggaf Al Alawi Ibnul Faqih IN ENGLISH His name was Al-Habib Agil bin Salim bin... by OneSpiffy Ninjas | Apr 30, 2008 | BaAlawi Ancestry
The History of the Family Name “Al-Aqil (Al-Bin-Aqil)” is available in the following languages, English Indonesian / Malay ANCESTRY ABRIDGED Al Aqil Al As-Syeikh Abu Bakar Al Alawi bin Al Faqih IN ENGLISH The first to be given the declaration... by OneSpiffy Ninjas | Apr 12, 2008 | Supplications
SUPPLICATION: Tahlil LANGUAGES : In Arabic. NOTE : We apologize for any errors that might have been made with the texts produced below, if any, and we hope for your forgiveness. If you find any errors or if you would like to assist in the Translation of these texts to... by OneSpiffy Ninjas | Apr 6, 2008 | BaAlawi Ancestry
The History of the Family Name “Al-Segaff (As-Seggaf)” is available in the following languages, English Indonesian / Malay ANCESTRY ABRIDGED Al Adani Al Aidrus(Idrus) Al Abu Bakar Assakran Al Alawi bin Al-Faqih IN ENGLISH The first to be given the...