Dua for remembering the Qurân
In English.
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The Messenger, upon him be peace, taught Ali ibn Abi Tâlib, may Allah ennoble his
face the following dua as a means to help him memorise the Qurân.
One should read it in the last part of Friday night. If you are unable, then you should
read it during the middle third and if you are unable, then during the first third.
One should perform four raka’ât of prayer. In the first raka’ah, after the fâtiha you
should read surâh Yâsîn. . In the second raka’ah, after the fâtiha you should read
surah al-Dukhân. In the third raka’ah, after the fâtiha you should read surah Alif lâm
mîm sajadah and in the final raka’ah, after the fâtiha you should read surah al-Mulk.
After finishing the salah, you should praise Allah and send salutations upon the
Messenger, upon him be peace and the rest of the prophets and supplicate for the
believers that preceded you in faith and seek forgiveness for the believing men and
women. After that, one should say:
O Allah, show me mercy so that I permanently leave any disobedience that I carryout.
Show me mercy so that I turn from things which do not concern me. And provide me
with a goodly gaze upon that which pleases you about me.
O Allah, Initiator of the heavens and the earth, Possessor of majesty and nobility and
power that can not be penetrated, I ask You O Allah, O Most Merciful One by Your
Majesty and the light of your countenance, to fix to my heart with the remembrance of
Your Book in the way that You have taught me and provide me with the ability to read
it according to the way that leads You to be pleased with me.
O Allah, Initiator of the heavens and the earth, Possessor of majesty and nobility and
power that can not be penetrated, I ask You O Allah, O Most Merciful One by Your
Majesty and the light of your countenance, to enlighten my sight by Your Book and
make my tongue flow free and to relieve, by it, my heart, and expand by it my breast
and make my body act, by it. For surely, no one can help me towards the Truth other
than You and no one can give other than You and there is no power or ability other
than through Allah the Elevated and Mighty.
The Dua is taken from a hadith narrated by al-Tirmidhi on the authority of Ibn Abbas
and considered by al-Tirmidhi to be sound (hasan). And Allah knows best.
Abdal Aziz Ahmed
Glasgow, Scotland
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