The Biography of "Ustaz Syed Abdillah bin Ahmad Al-Jufri (Singapore)" is available in the following languages,
1. English
Well-known and respected Ulama in Singapore, Ustaz Syed Abdillah bin Ahmad Al-Jufri was born on Wednesday, 2 March 1938 (29 Zulhijjah 1356) in Singapore.
He received his education at Madrasah Aljunied Al-Islamiah. Ustaz Syed Isa Semait, who was his contemporary, told the webmaster that Ustaz Syed Abdillah was a very intelligent student, who got promoted to special classed after the normal 4 years secondary education. Unfortunately he could not afford to go overseas for his higher education due to lack of money. There were 5 students in his graduating cohort. Among them were Ustaz Abu Bakar Hashim and Ustaz Syed Isa Semait, the Mufti of Singapore.
Even though he was born in Singapore, native Yemenites were always impressed with his command of colloquial and classical Arabic, as though he was born and raised in Yemen. His command of Arabic language gained admiration from his peers. This is due to the fact that after school hours, he helped his uncle’s textile shop, and over there the only spoken language was colloquial Yemen Arabic.
He applied and got a position as a teacher in Ministry of Education. In the early 1980s, he was tasked by the Ministry to setup the curriculum and write the textbook for the Islamic Religious Knowledge subject. This subject was one of the components of the Religious Studies introduced by the Ministry in upper secondary schools in the 1980s.
Later, he worked at Islamic Religious Council of Singapore (Muis) until 1997. In 1999, he was appointed as President of Singapore Religious Teachers and Scholars Association (Pergas). In 2000, he was appointed as Principle of Madrasah Aljunied Al-Islamiah for one year. He was also one of the longest serving members of the Fatwa Council, from the early 1970s to this death.
He was a prolific writer. He authored, co-authored and translated many books.
He also wrote numerous articles and Friday sermons. Among his published works are:
1. Asas Agama Islam: Pelajaran Tauhid & Fikah (Book 1 – 6)
2. Asas Agama Islam: Pelajaran Akhlak & Sirah (Book 1 – 6)
3. Al Asas Fil Loghatil Arabiah (Book 1 – 6)
4. Hari Ini Dan Esok
5. Sejarah Nabi hingga kerajaan Abbasiyah
6. Ajarkan Anak-Anakmu Cintakan Rasulullah (s.a.w.)
7. Jalan Yang Dekat – Bagi Pengikut Jalan Rujuk Kepada Tuhan
8. Anugerah Tuhan – Dalam perkara kewajipan hamba kepada Tuhan
9. Anda Bertanya Saya Menjawab
10. Doa Dan Wirid
11. Pelita Al-Quran, Juz 30
12. Pelita Al-Quran, Al Baqarah
13. Pelitan Al-Quran, Al-Imran & An-Nisaa
He passed away on Saturday, 4 January 2003 / 1 Zulqaedah 1423, at the age of 65.
May Allah bless his soul.
This was taken by Permission of the Webmaster of .
*Slight Additions and Amendments have been made.
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