Women’s Rights and Status in Islam

Women’s Rights and Status in Islam

Women’s rights, responsibilities, and choices have been the subject of books, articles, essays, and lectures. Sadly however, convincing the world that Muslim women are not oppressed by Islam is a message that is just not getting through. Islam raised the level of...
Actions Are Judged by Intentions: How?

Actions Are Judged by Intentions: How?

The reward of deeds depends upon the intentions and every person will get the reward according to what he has intended. Selected Hadiths from Al-Bukhari First hadith: “Actions Are Judged by Intentions” Text: Narrated `Umar ibn Al-Khattab: “I heard...
The Qur’an and Social Stability

The Qur’an and Social Stability

First of all, the Qur’an gives us the main objective of our existence.   When we talk about understanding the Qur’an, we talk about the Angels asking Allah in Surat Al-Baqarah: “Will You place upon it (the world) one who causes corruption therein and sheds blood…...
How to Offer the Funeral Prayer

How to Offer the Funeral Prayer

The imam stands beside the body facing the qiblah at Mecca with the followers behind him in lines. The prayer to God for the deceased Muslim is a common collective duty (Fard Kifayah). This means that some Muslims should offer this prayer, and when it is offered by...
Noah and His People: The Flood and the Ark

Noah and His People: The Flood and the Ark

Noah’s Prayer When what Allah willed had happened and the unbelievers were drowned, the rain stopped and the water sank away. Noah stayed with his people for nine hundred and fifty years, calling them to Allah, but his people would not believe. They would not...
Worldly Life: Meaning & Purpose

Worldly Life: Meaning & Purpose

Introduction ‘What is the meaning and purpose of life?’ This is, perhaps, the most important question that has ever been asked. Throughout the ages, philosophers have considered it to be the most fundamental question. Scientists, historians, philosophers, writers,...
The Prophet’s Guidance for New Muslim Youth

The Prophet’s Guidance for New Muslim Youth

Prophet Muhammad came through with the message of Islam, and his target audience, so to speak, revolved around the youth of the time. By Maria Zain For new Muslims, it is vital to read up on how Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) kept the teenagers around him in...