What’s the most difficult problem facing you in learning the Qur’an? Is it with the Arabic language, the Tafsir (exegeses dedicated to explaining the text of the Qur’an) and the technical academic terms used in it, or with the translated texts of the Qur’an?

And, when translation can’t afford all what I need to lean and know about the book of God, what else should I do and what area should I concentrate on?

How could I understand the Book of God better? What are the practical ways to reach that goal? How could I be motivated to seriously invest time and effort in learning the Qur’an?

As a matter of fact, for most people, Muslims and non-Muslims, the Qur’an is a veiled text; you can’t just understand it just through reading the text, even the translated versions. So, the primary access to the Qur’an cannot be acquired from just running your eyes over it. But why is it that way? What should we do to learn and understand it better?

In this interesting talk, Nouman Ali Khan tackles that issue and gives practical advices on how to learn the Qur’an and get familiar to its content…
